Dick’s work and writing have been published in 9 international ceramics publications since 1985, and he has had 50 of his articles published. He exhibits in national and international ceramics exhibitions each year, having participated in more than 300 invitational exhibitions both nationally and internationally, and has offered workshops for colleges, universities, and regional potters guilds both nationally and internationally.
Here is a word from Dick about this collection of work…
As a much younger — and may I say, more naive — potter I held, in my creative imagination a future that included a life-capturing Retrospective exhibition of my work. Perhaps you know the fantasy: major museum, mountains of pieces, monumental promotion, major collectors, millions in sales………..oops, stop the tape.
The genuine, and more satisfying reality is to live the life-centered life….to make, with some regularity, life-capturing work…to share with others, life-enhancing moments. I believe that this is as good as “it” can get….and too easily missed if one gives inappropriate energy to naive fantasies….and so easily found and realized if one’s eyes are open, sensitivities expectant, and gratitude the prevailing wind of the soul. This collection of work is not that imagined Retrospective. Nor is it a cohesive body of work. Neither is it a comprehensive or exhaustive collection of my life’s work. But it is a glimpse at what has given meaning to my life and some of what I’ve enjoyed exploring over the years: works that might happily insinuate themselves into the daily lives of the users; explorations with tools — what can cheese cutters, stamps, and fingernails create; reimagining how can wheels be used to make things that aren’t round; what fun might be found in an extruder; imaginings with glazes — “What might happen if….?”; exploring firing methods — can I do something new with wood-firing, saggar-firing, side-firing?; finding and making the “indigenous” pot — how can my back yard, my neighborhood, my friendships, my travels, make their way with integrity into my pots?
These are some of the foci that have given meaning to my making and to my life.
I trust these might inspire you to find the foci that give meaning to yours.
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