Contemporary Pattern II

Contemporary Pattern II opens Friday December 1st, 2023

In examining the long history of pattern within the history of ceramics, we’re encouraged to see that this wellspring is still being tapped. It seems obvious that the human race would eventually figure out that burnt mud would hold water or grain. What amazes us is that beyond function and utility, every culture throughout history has felt compelled to go beyond utility and decorate the vessels that they made. This compulsion to enhance, to express, to make beautiful, continues to thrive today. Please enjoy this collection of patterned vessels that express and reflect the personal voices of these contemporary potters.
Chris Hosbach, KyoungHwa Oh, Kyle Scott Lee, Taylor A. Mezo,
Horacio Casillas, Erika Novak, Yoshi Fujii, Brooke Sharpe Millecchia,
Maureen Marcotte, Sara Ballek, & Forrest Lesch-Middelton.

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